Caution: Although our AI detector is highly sophisticated, it's important to remember that no detection system is infallible. Don't use the results obtained with our tool to decide a someone's future.
Presenting original work isn’t just a requirement, it’s an opportunity to build trust with your professor and demonstrate your knowledge in an authentic way. Before submitting assignments, running your paper through an AI detector can provide peace of mind. You’ll know that what you’re turning in reflects your own understanding (and avoids any misunderstandings or misconduct accusations). This is more than just a safeguard against academic penalties, it’s also a chance for personal growth.
SEO Blog Posts
Google does not penalize AI-generated content as long as it adheres to the E-E-A-T principles (experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness). However, texts produced by tools like ChatGPT or Gemini can sometimes feel repetitive and lack uniqueness, which can negatively affect their ranking. Readers may also pick up on an “automated” tone, potentially reducing the site’s credibility. That’s why SEO specialists need to create product descriptions or articles that follow best practices while optimizing for engagement and trust.
Professional Reports
Whether you’re drafting reports for leadership or clients, authenticity speaks volumes about professionalism. Using an AI scanner allows teams to verify that everything they produce reflects genuine human input (and isn’t unknowingly influenced by machine-generated writing). Why does this matter so much? Simple: maintaining trust in professional relationships requires transparency and originality in every document or communication.
Communication & Mail
The authenticity of your messages influences how people perceive what you say, whether in your professional or personal life. Using an AI scanner to check your emails and messages ensures that what you write is truly authentic, fostering greater trust. Ensuring originality in every message demonstrates that you value honest and clear communication, which can strengthen your relationships.
WAIZZ AI Detector is very easy to use. To start the analysis, simply paste your text into the input field or load u that rely on extensive training data, our approach focuses on eight key parameters to measure the “humanity” score of your content. This method enables us to accurately determine whether a text has been written by a human being or generated by an AI.
Yes, our AI Detector is completely free and offers unlimited usage for all users. We believe in providing accessible tools to help everyone ensure the authenticity of their content without any barriers.
Our algorithm achieves a 99% detection rate for texts and articles generated by popular AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, GPT-4o, OpenAI o1, Gemini, and Claude. This high level of accuracy ensures that AI-generated content is reliably identified.
For our algorithm, a score of over 60% suggests that the content probably originates from a human. Between 40% and 60%, it's probably a text modified by a human from an AI-generated base. Below 40%, the text was probably written by an AI... Our analysis tool quantifies sentences written by a human, those resulting from a rewrite (AI/human), and those identified as created by AI.
Our tool works accurately in six languages, allowing users from different linguistic backgrounds to benefit from our detection services. This multilingual support enhances accessibility and usability for a global audience.
Yes, our detection algorithm can analyze texts up to a maximum of 2,000 words. This limit ensures that we provide quick and accurate results for each analysis.
Our AI content detector already provides plenty of insights about your text, and it's completely free. For an even more in-depth analysis, you can use our advanced tool, which is included in the various subscription plans available in our WAIZZ web application.
What sets WAIZZ apart is that it doesn't rely on the traditional learning methods used by many other AI checkers like Turnitin, Copyleaks, Merlin and Winston AI. Instead, we use a sophisticated algorithm that evaluates your text using eight different metrics to assess its humanity score. This unique approach enables us to obtain more accurate results, without the biases associated with training data.
WAIZZ does not store or use your documents. We don’t need to keep your texts to improve our detection system because we use a method based on both theory and practice. Your information remains confidential and secure while you benefit from our accurate detection service. However, we do collect anonymous browsing data to understand how you use our website and tools. This helps us improve site usability and enhance the overall user experience.
We do not offer technical support for our free tools, but you can still inform us of any issues or share your feedback on the accuracy of text analysis results through our contact page. On the other hand, we offer several support options for our subscribers, including email assistance, a ticket system, and live chat. Our team is available 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, to answer your questions or resolve any issues.
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